Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Growing up I KNEW... I had an interest in Psychology, fascinated by the human mind. Learning that the way we think has so much influence over the way we behave and the outcomes we create for our lives. I had a knack for listening intently, offering advice to friends, being the motivator, the perspective adjuster and finding so much JOY in encouraging others to bring out the BEST in THEM. I knew I was supposed to USE my circumstances, MY unique story and gifts to HELP PEOPLE AROUND ME, or be exactly who the world defined me to be - "Physically limited" or my "condition..." It wasn't always easy because I had a physical body that screamed to the world - "No, you can't do that," or "How does that make sense for you?" So much doubt, and uncertainty imposed on my capability and potential from outside circumstances and people - yet living with an inside voice that screamed for ADVENTURE, DOING AND CREATING BIG THINGS AND FINDING A WAY NO MATTER WHAT. So that's what I did - I found a way to live an amazing life.
-To graduate with 2 degrees
-To run a business at 21
-To travel to really amazing places
-To Sky Dive
-To write a book with one of my truest friends
What I want to do NOW, is use my EXPERIENCE. A degree in Psychology, 10 years of Sales, Recruiting, Training, and Leadership to HELP women -To feel COURAGEOUS- by removing any self - inflicted barriers to achieving THEIR defined version of personal and professional success and fulfillment. -To feel EMPOWERED - by learning to recognize how valuable and special they are, which aligns them with their own unique gifts and talents. -To feel CONFIDENT - by creating new thought processes and action plans to achieve ideal outcomes and transformation.
No matter what your background, personality style, or particular life challenges - We all share the same desire to FEEL GOOD about ourselves and the lives we live. I have the education, tools, resources, a game plan, and a HUGE HEART to serve those who are wanting a break through in their mindset, emotional fulfillment, relationships, and Business performance.